Industrials Heators offers a Thyristor based heater control system with VFD control for HVAC application as per customer requirements. The control panel will be designed as per control philosophy and power rating from customer. In HVAC application controlling of Humidity will be achieved by controlling of heaters through thyristor and PID controller. We will use reputed make Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for controlling and regulating the speed of blower in AHU. We will also provide necessary safety interlocks in control panel.
- Custom built design.
- MOC of panel will be made in SS/MS with powder coated.
- Control philosophy will be developed based on customer requirements.
- Reputed make control & switch gear components will be used.
- Composite Temperature & Humidity control in HVAC application is available.
- Easy for maintenance.
- Safety interlocks will be considered.
- Temperature & Humidity control in HVAC application.
- Water heating control system.
- Valve heating system.
- Drum dryer / Hot air oven system.
- Screw Dryer Control system.